Disciples, undisciplined disciples. Why am I one of the many undisciplined disciples?
"Non Discipleship costs abiding peace, a life penetrated throughout by love, faith that sees everything in the light of God's overriding governance for good, hopefulness that stands firm in the most discouraging of circumstances, power to do what is right and withstand the forces of evil. In short, it cost exactly that abundance of life Jesus said that He came to bring." ~
Been reading and listening to messages and devotions lately with and interesting theme, discipleship. In this I've realized that I fall short so often and I'm wondering why. I guess It's just the business of life and maybe the death of true joy in the people around us. Maybe we just trade in our joy and fire for the tame life; the life, that from most reasonable peoples eyes, would seem the best road to take... but I don't want that life. It's just not the best, not for me, not for my family or even the people in my life that see my tamed actions and think that that is "ok".
What IS the best, is a life of true discipleship. A life where I believe that God will speak to others through me. A life where "I", "my", & "mine" have no clout. Where they are not used to describe myself, or my life in any idol based way. A life full of adventure where I'm an integral part of the story that God has designed. A part that is pleasing to God and honors Him. I don't want to be luke-warm anymore, I don't want to be tamed, or sold into slavery via the "American dream". Will it be easy, NO, but what really IS easy in this imperfect life? Will it be good in my eyes? Who really know, but in God's eyes it will be and it's not about me anyway.
I have dreams & desires, yes of course. Some probably from God and & probably more are not. I don't want to build my little kingdom but I do want to participate in God's kingdom! How great would that be?!!! No worries about if I'm doing it right, or if it's sustainable. Instead I just get to revile in what He gives me daily and walk it out. Doesn't have to be huge, just day by day doing what God gives me in faith.
So my question for us all is this? 12 men, quite possibly teenage boys, (listen to Rob Bells "Dust of the Rabbi") profoundly changed the world. Not by building up their own kingdom and not by being tamed by the world. They were disciples, striving to do the simple but impossible... just trying to do what Jesus would have done.
Q: What is stopping you and I from selling the "American dream", the idols in our lives, our little glass houses that we think so safe, and instead using God's credit of the Spirit to affect this world that we live in?
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