Contemplative Musings and Other Redundant Thoughts

Random musings of my life.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Passion and Beliefs

I've been reading Blue Like Jazz lately here at the Dugall house. Miller has some great thoughts about the Christian life and uses story in an incredible way to drive his points home.

So far I think I like his chapter entitled "Belief" the best. "Passion" might have been a better title for it though as it is so much about that. Passion, do I live with it?... and if I do, where does it take me? "Living for something extends beyond fashion, glory, or recongnition. We live for what we believe..."

If that is the case, then what do I really believe? Do I live like Jesus is the most important thing in my life? I think realistically, my life shows that I am the most important thing around. That my happiness, the happiness of those around me, and probably mostly my pride-filled pursuit of glory is what I live for. My life speaks volumes in books that I would prefer not to read. Speaks about deeds that shouldn't have been done and thoughts that should've never crossed my mind... but they have.

But I journey on, a broken man, a man filled with desires that hopefully are from God. My prayer is that God will mold me, that whatever I have done in pride or arrogance will be turned around for His glory and that as I walk through this life that I can look back at my life in the end, see how I have lived, and smile on the beliefs that have been made clear to me.

I know God is in the process of showing my this and for that I am glad! Merry Christmas Eve!

"For unto you a child is born..." I pray this year that we can all not just learn from this child, but also live like this child.


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