Contemplative Musings and Other Redundant Thoughts

Random musings of my life.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Community vs. Accountability... or something like that.

I've been thinking a lot about community again lately. That is my passion really, a passion that often eludes me, yet is still my passion.

I just finished a week at YLI discussing community with a bunch of high school teen leaders in a break out session. We talked about authentic community, our relationship with God and how that affects our relationship with others. We talked about not wanting to check off more boxes in our relating with each other but how to really find community amisdts our culture that so often tells us to be an individual. Just think about it. "Your way right away", or a custom coffee drink tailored to your specific likes, or all of us with our individual music on our iPod... We are trying to get everything that we want when we want it, maybe we should just call it our "iLife".

So, like I said a lot of things have been on my brain lately about community and how Christians do community. The word that came to my mind and a lot of the kids in my class minds was "fake". Yup you heard me right, fake. I haven't figured out if that is the best word but it partially fits.

I'm in this accountability group right now and we are talking about what this group is all about. We do it via email and often times it doesn't carry much weight to my life. Actually all of the time, if I'm brutally honest with myself. Why doesn't it carry the weight? I say because it is over email. Email... what a great medium for community building. Right there next to my billions of tasks to do and the other 1300 unread emails. Or as my friend put it, "right next to my millionth Viagra email." Wow, great place to build community huh?.. Sorry I'll hold my sarcastic thoughts for a moment. Basically it is hard to drop to a deep level while I'm trying to teach or finish my tasks for the day, especially when it's just an email... no real person you know? I could just delete it with 1 click of the mouse. Not in the mood for community... click. Too many things to do... click. Don't feel like being challenged... click. It's hard to have community for me on my spotty WiFi connection. Definitely a bit removed from the real nitty gritty of our lives.

So how do we fix it? Well I'm glad you asked because I think I have some good ideas.

How about we start to live as a community again? I mean how can we have accountability with people that we first don't have community with? When I "do life" with people in an authentic way, I have the foundation for...(do I have to call it accountability?) for... spiritual depth with the people in my community. That's what I desire. But still how do we get it? Add another meeting to our schedule? Personally I don't know if early morning coffee shop times really do it for me. Don't get me wrong, it can be really nice to talk about what is going on in you life and have someone listen to you for an hour... but I just don't know if it really makes authentic community... seems more like a counseling session sometimes than a real friendship. I'm just tired of manipulated relational meetings. Not because I don't like meeting for coffee and talking, but because I want more. I want to share life with people instead.

So here is what I suggest. Why don't we start to share with people, with our community. I have lots of ideas on how to do this with out another meeting time... But that will have to be left for my next post. This one is too long already.


  • At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you got some great perspective here...I 100% agree with you about the "fakeness" of what many people regard as community. Keep posting those thoughts...can't wait to read more!


  • At 2:52 PM, Blogger H. West said…

    aw, come on. There is not such thing as a blog that is too long.... I wonder if maybe community means something a little bit different to everybody. I mean, we all connect in different ways. Like there isn't just one way to do. Maybe coffee shop meeting is the way some people connect. I know for me, so many of my friendships have been built on these sort of encounters. I don't know. something that I am learning is that I need to learn to be more okay with bugging people with my needs. Sort of forcing them to be a part of my life by really being honest about my needs. (that is a warning by the way). But i mean, just taking the silly little arbitrary things that I could figure out how to do on my own and choosing to make someone else be a part of it. Things like painting classrooms red. doing things that in themselves don't matter but because we do them together, they suddenly matter a lot. anyway, this post is getting too long.

    Thanks for you thoughts and passion,
    I too will be waiting for more.


  • At 10:20 PM, Blogger Mark Schreiber said…

    Thanks for the thoughts guys! I'll catch you all later!


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